hair growth

Include these hair-growth-friendly super foods in your diet and say bye to hair fall

By consuming a hair-growth-friendly diet, you can expect to regain lost hair.Spinach, broccoli and swiss chard are excellent sources of vitamin A and C.Nuts rich in zinc such as almonds, cashews and pecans should be regular in your diet.
Having great hair does not begin and end in your bathroom. You may lather and rinse as much as you like, but the key to great looking hair is actually in your kitchen! As your hair grows one-fourth to half an inch every month, it is the product of the nutrients that you have consumed in that month. By having the diet that promotes hair growth, you can expect to regain lost hair. Bear in mind that you cannot expect to alter the basic characteristics of your hair, i.e. from thick and straight to wavy and curly, by making a choice of nutrients.
You can only help in growing natural hair by having the right nutrients in your diet. Some of the foods given that can bring back your natural good hair are:

Dark green vegetables

Vitamins A and C are needed to make sebum in your body, the natural hair conditioner. It is secreted by your hair follicles. Spinach, broccoli and swiss chard are excellent sources of these nutrients. Besides, you also get iron and calcium from green vegetables.


For keeping your scalp healthy, you need selenium. It is an important mineral for the health of your scalp. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium. Walnuts condition your hair with alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. You also need to have the right intake of zinc in your diet as it prevents hair loss. So, nuts rich in zinc such as almonds, cashews and pecans should be regular in your diet.


Your hair care diet must include legumes such as kidney beans and lentils. They not only provide much needed protein for your hair growth, but also plenty of zinc, iron and biotin. Biotin deficiencies can make your hair brittle and consequently, break from the scalp.


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